In This Hope We Were Saved

This sermon comes during the season of Ordinary Time, between Pentecost and Advent, when we look at growing in the Lord and the ways in which we, as his church, live out the mission to which he has called us. In this sermon we focused in on the command and gift of Sabbath.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 10:34-42

You can also listen to this sermon via Apple Podcasts here.

JD Meeder

JD serves as the Director of the Greensboro Fellows Program, a holistic 9-month spiritual and professional development program for recent college graduates, for which Redeemer is the host church. The Fellows Program shepherds and guides Fellows in discerning their vocation and calling, in growing as a disciple of Jesus, and learning to make their faith seamless in all areas of life. Before joining Redeemer staff, JD served in leadership roles with multiple ministries and non-profits, and most recently as Partnerships Director with Water Mission. He is a graduate of Clemson, where he participated in Young Life. JD is passionate about seeing people step into the fullness that the Lord has in every area of their life.

The Meeder family recently moved to Greensboro from the low country of South Carolina, and have fallen in love with the Triad. You can often find him outside running, biking, reading, playing with their golden retriever, and cheering on the Clemson Tigers.


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