Garden & Grow

by Leah Wall
Lead Catechist


This summer, our children, youth, and adult volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in Garden & Grow. When the children leave the service, their time will be split between the two endeavors (gardening and growing). Twenty minutes will be spent working on the farm or with gardening-related works. I hope that through their time working with the garden they will be more aware of the gifts of life and health from God found in nature. They will have a chance to serve the whole church through the work of their hands. I also hope they will find the pleasure of a job well done when we eventually have the opportunity to sample the fruit of our labors. They will use the natural gifts that God has blessed them with for His glory as they learn what it means to plant, to water, to dig, to name, to arrange, and to harvest.

The “Grow” portion of Garden & Grow is a time to grow - specifically in the words of God who is our life. This summer it is centered on the character of God and we will be working to expand our Bible verse memorization through music. We will also be building a common knowledge of music that we can sing together at the prayer table in the atrium when Catechesis of the Good Shepherd starts back in the Autumn or in the services. We will consider what it means for God to be: Creator, Holy, Love, Light, Spirit & Truth, Wise, Faithful, Everlasting, Jealous, and Unchanging. We will be providing music for you to take home or stream together. Be on the lookout for that in June!

We are looking for anyone who enjoys music to join that team. Please let me know if you'd be willing to help over the summer with music a few times!


Confirmation Sunday


Stephen Ministry