Advent with Children

written by Leah Wall, Lead Catechist

“Peaceable Kingdom”

“Peaceable Kingdom”

As we begin a new year in the life of the church and return to the church seasons of Advent, Christmas & Epiphany, we return to stories of Jesus’ infancy – people, prophecies and precious songs that we may not have thought about since last January. As adults, we return to these in comfort. They feel cozy to us and we join in “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” with familiarity. We hear the words of the prophets calling to us about the coming light and we are comfortable. Our children, however, are still forming these experiences into tradition. To them, all is still new. They experience these with a freshness and attentiveness that can help awaken our own souls if we let the children lead us.

These Advent & Christmas traditions adults enjoy were mostly formed by our own delight when we were children. The celebrations and observances of our childhood holidays hold a special magic for us now. We tend to long for, repeat, and encourage the traditions we have grown to hold dear.

As we approach this season, let’s think about what we encourage in our households. I’d like to encourage you to take time to consider well how you will lift up the themes and truths we’re considering together as a church in your own homes. Let us be willing to grow even more meaningful and thoughtful “magic” for future generations. By releasing those things which are entertaining but empty, we leave room for the things that are rich and have an everlasting beauty to grow. As we return to these deep mysteries each year, we will begin to realize that our own love has been invigorated and grown and that the awe of childhood has spread to us as well.

May we all delight, as children, in the richness of the seasons of the liturgical year. May we learn to love those things that shift our affection to the very life of Christ. May our traditions and celebrations bring Glory to God in the Highest and peace to His people on earth.


RYM Weekly 11.26.19


RYM Weekly 11.21.19