The Harvest Series: Festival!

One of our favorite traditions at Redeemer is our annual Harvest Festival. We missed it so much last year, so we were so thankful that we were able to bring it back this fall! It was such a joy to be together to praise the Lord for His provision and to feast, dance, laugh, and be together! Enjoy some of the moments below, captured by Jessie Meriwether and Cate Venable!

“To gather joyfully is indeed a serious affair,
for feasting and all enjoyments gratefully taken are, at their heart, acts of war.

In celebrating this feast we declare that evil and death, suffering and loss,
sorrow and tears, will not have the final word.

But the joy of fellowship, and the welcome and comfort of friends new and old,
and the celebration of these blessings of food and drink and conversation and laughter
are the true evidences of things eternal, and are the first fruits of that great glad joy that is to come and that will be unending.”

-From Every Moment Holy: “A Liturgy for Feasting with Friends,” by Douglas McKelvey


We Will Feast in the House of Zion: A Culture of Thanksgiving Feasts


The Harvest Series: Martha Williams