Park Mission Team: May Newsletter

Our Park Mission volunteer team has been doing a fantastic job sprucing up our property! They’ve begun sending out monthly newsletters and we wanted to share them! You can find their second one here!

Here’s just a snippet:

Hidden Talents: Weaving a new chair bottom

Looking like normal people are those among us are with hidden talents. Long ago, Mack Arrington's dad taught him how to weave a chair bottom. Mack found an old chair in the shed that needed a new bottom and…; note the old chair bottom on the ground. The new bottom sits well on your bottom…

What other hidden talents lurk among us, waiting for the opportunity or need to be activated—or taught? How about let us know what you can do? You never can tell when that dumb little thing you know will be the very thing someone needs.


Redeemer to Rwanda 2023


Liturgical Pursuit: Rogation Days