Church of the Redeemer

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College Students Incoming!

Freshmen move in Sunday morning, August 20th!

It is hard to believe but summer is OVER! Tomorrow morning (yes, a Sunday morning...) the freshman class of 2027 will be moving into their dorms at Guilford College. And we will be there to assist and welcome them with donuts and smiles.

As you can imagine, these first few weeks of the semester are disproportionately influential in these young people's lives. Often, the people you connect to and path you start on in the first month of school can determine the trajectory not only for the rest of college, but for the rest of your life. Because of that, we will be doing all we can to meet and welcome new students over the coming days, and provide lots of connection points for them to experience our ministry community and hear about in the invitation of Jesus: handing out encouraging notes for the first day of class; lemonade stands; kickball; ice cream; you name it!

On the church side of things, we will be hosting welcome lunches for students to connect with the wider congregation over the next several weeks at Redeemer. Hospitality is one of the biggest gifts of our congregation, and it will be on full display this month!

We would LOVE your prayers for:

  • Our leadership team, which is mostly a new crop this year, that they would lead with confidence and joy in connecting with new students and planning welcome events. Also that God would knit them together as a group in friendship and trust.

  • That God would guard new and returning students from anxiety, fear, and harmful decisions as they come (back) to campus.

  • That God would facilitate divine appointments of meaningful conversation and connection that change the trajectory of many incoming students in the direction of belonging in Christ.

  • That many students would connect to the local church and to Redeemer, and meet Jesus in community there.

We will follow up soon, and thank you for your prayers!
