eastertide storytime

In our church year, we have come to a season of celebration. Part of the beauty of living the liturgical calendar is that it calls out to us to join in the fulness of the Gospel - the fulness of the story of the Kingdom of God - the fulness of the plan of God. If left to ourselves, we might not find ourselves celebrating just now - but we are called to feast. Easter is an invitation to walk into the celebration of the life and light of Christ. We fasted for 40 days and now we have 50 days of joyful celebration together.

I hope you will consider the many creative ways that you can rejoice with the body of Christ during this time. Our children’s ministry would like to invite you and your children to celebrate together in a particular way. We invite you to celebrate through shared story. Familiar friends from the nursery & from the atrium will be reading stories for children that will be posted on Tuesday mornings. In addition to that, there will be a few extra videos that will invite us all to a celebration of the lives of the saints. Toward the end of the Book of Common prayer (you can read it online here), there is a list of special days of remembrance. We’ll celebrate the faithfulness of God through all times and places by having a special video to celebrate those feast days.

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You’ll find youtube videos that can be accessed at anytime. We trust that these videos will be a shared moment of light and life. I hope they will help your family celebrate during these weeks of Eastertide.

You can find all of the links here. This will be updated weekly - so check back for more!

Week 1 video: The Carrot Seed
Week 2 video: Little Quack & The Football Book
A special Feast Day video for April 25: Saint Mark
Week 3 video: How Big is God?
Week 4 video: My World of Color
A special Feast Day video for May 8: Julian of Norwich
Week 5 video: The Bunny Book
Week 6: The Weight of a Mass, Ascension Day
Final week of Eastertide: Knuffle Bunny

Leah Wall


Pentecost at Home


Staying Spiritually Healthy